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Seal of Michigan

Michigan State Seal

Great seal of Michigan; public domain image on Wikipedia.

Official State Seal of Michigan

The great seal of Michigan features the state coat of arms and also appears on both sides of the state flag. All State Seals

From "Michigan’s Coat of Arms was inspired by the 17th Century coat of arms of the Hudson’s Bay Company, one of the earliest and largest fur-trading companies in North America."

The moose and elk represent Michigan (they are both natives of the state), the bald eagle is a symbol for the United States. 

Latin Phrases on Michigan's Seal

"Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam, Circumspice" is Michigan's state motto (meaning "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you").

"E Pluribus Unum" means "From Many, One" or "One From Many" (our nation is made from many states).

"Tuebor" means "I Will Defend" and refers to the frontier position of Michigan.
