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Parenting Tips for Each Stage of Your Child’s Development

Couple Lifting Their Cute Daughter

Photo by Pexels

In this article by State Symbols USA, we'll explore the best parenting tips to follow as your child grows through the phases of childhood to adulthood.

Toddlers & Preschoolers

Along with having almost unlimited energy, children in this stage can also be highly emotional, with little control over their outbursts. Here are two ways to start modeling good behavior in your child:

  • Manage Tantrums: The best way to manage tantrums is to stay calm, not yell, and let your child ride out their emotions, as reported by Mayo Clinic.
  • Praise Good Behavior: According to, make it a point to always reward good behavior, whether that be through praises, gifts, a drive out for ice cream, or more.

School-Age Kids

Consistent guidance and supervision over your child are key during the ages of 6-9 years and here are two ways to do just that:

  • Create a Routine: Create set times for sleeping, meals and play each day. A routine serves as a building block toward developing good discipline.
  • Be a Role Model: Kids in this phase model their behavior based on those around them. Hence, focus on being a good role model by always being respectful, pursuing new goals like earning a degree, and setting high standards for yourself.


The ages of 10-12 years serve as a key transition period where you can start teaching your child about undertaking responsibility, nurturing independence, and making their own decisions.

  • Start Giving Pocket Money: Instead of buying toys each time at your kid's request, let them earn their allowance and learn how to work towards attaining what they desire.
  • Let Them Be Home Alone: While this will be a challenge for you and your child, it’s an effective way to prepare them for the future and train them on securing their personal space.


While you can expect some sparks to fly during this phase, your support and guidance will play a key role in your child’s physical and emotional development.

  • Talk About Drugs: In addition to teaching your child about the dangers of substance use, entertain questions from them regarding their curiosities, and answer them to the best of your abilities.
  • Learn About Technology: By educating yourself using Instagram, cryptocurrencies, and other prominent technologies you’ll be able to guide your child to make better decisions.

Following these tips will help you meet the ever-developing needs of your child as they blossom into amazing individuals.


Article contributed by Brittany Fisher