- Alabama
Theatre for Performing Arts - Alabama
The Miracle Worker - Alabama
Incident at Looney's Tavern - California
Ramona Pageant - California
Pasedena Playhouse - Connecticut
Troubadour of Connecticut - Georgia
Swamp Gravy - Georgia
Georgia Museum of Art - Georgia
Pogo Possum - Georgia
Springer Opera House - Illinois
The Great American People Show - Louisiana
Louisiana - Maryland
Olney Theatre Center - Massachusetts
Norman Rockwell - Massachusetts
Dr. Seuss - Massachusetts
Make Way for Ducklings - Michigan
The Legend of Sleeping Bear - Minnesota
Grace - North Carolina
Seagrove Area - North Carolina
Thalian Association - North Carolina
Whirligigs by Vollis Simpson - North Carolina
Clay - North Dakota
North Dakota Museum of Art - Oklahoma
Gusty® - Oklahoma
Lynn Riggs Players of Oklahoma - Oklahoma
The Okie Artist - Oregon
Reedsport - Pennsylvania
Walnut Street Theatre - Rhode Island
Crescent Park Looff Carousel - South Carolina
Sweetgrass Basket - South Carolina
From the Mountains to the Sea - Tennessee
Tennessee Theatre - Tennessee
Porcelain Painting - Tennessee
Oak Ridge Playhouse - Tennessee
Tennessee Treasures - Tennessee
Liberty! - Tennessee
Arts and Artists - Texas
Kid Cardona - Texas
Historical Dramas - Virginia
Virginia Shakespeare Festival - Virginia
Artisans Center of Virginia - Virginia
The Long Way Home - Virginia
Trail of the Lonesome Pine - West Virginia
Greenbrier Valley Theatre