- Alabama
Pine Burr Quilt - Alabama
The Alabamian's Creed - Alabama
Landmark Park - Alabama
Bible - Arizona
Bola Tie - Arkansas
Arkansas Creed - Arkansas
Dutch Oven - California
California Historical Society - California
Chipped Stone Bear - California
Denim - Georgia
The Georgian's Creed - Georgia
Plains High School - Hawaii
Aloha Spirit - Illinois
Pirogue - Indiana
Hoosiers - Indiana
Sagamore of the Wabash - Kentucky
Switzer Covered Bridge - Louisiana
Fleur-de-lis - Louisiana
Hoop Nets - Castnets - Shrimp Trawls - Michigan
Historical Society of Michigan - Mississippi
Teddy Bear - National (U.S.)
Constitution - National (U.S.)
Declaration - National (U.S.)
Pledge & Creed - National (U.S.)
The Bill of Rights - Nevada
Tule Duck Decoy - New Hampshire
Old Man of The Mountain - New Mexico
Bolo - New Mexico
Squash Blossom Necklace - New Mexico
Dusty Roadrunner - New Mexico
Everybody is Somebody in New Mexico - New York
I Love NY - New York
Residents of New York - Ohio
Newark Earthworks - Ohio
The Adena Pipe - Oklahoma
The Golden Driller - Oregon
Champoeg Historical Pageant - Pennsylvania
Slinky - Tennessee
Sandy - Texas
Cast Iron Dutch Oven - Texas
Cowboy Hat - Texas
Bolo Tie - Texas
Cowboy Boot - Texas
Chuck Wagon - Utah
Beehive - Utah
Dutch Oven - Virginia
Blue Ridge Institute - Virginia
Artisans Center of Virginia - Virginia
Page County - Virginia
Virginia Sports Hall of Fame - Virginia
Monroe Park - Washington
Washington Park Arboretum - West Virginia
Appalachian American Indians of West Virginia - Wyoming
Sacajawea Golden Dollar - Wyoming
Code of the West - Wyoming
Bucking Horse and Rider