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Self-Care Tips for Kids to Thrive in This New Year

Kids Playing

Photo by Robert Collins from Unsplash

As we come to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and children return to school for in-person learning, it is important that they practice self-care so they can stay healthy and happy as we return to normal. Here at State Symbols USA, we love to see children enjoy the world while they learn the facts that make our country great. Today, we would like to give some tips for how parents can help their kids live their best lives in 2022.

Let Your Children Be Creative

After the last two years of relative isolation, it is important that kids are able to spread their wings and fly and to do that, parents should let their kids express their creativity freely. Whether it is painting, acting, writing, or anything in between, it is important for kids to let their imagination thrive. Creativity stimulates the brain, especially the parts associated with memory, attention, and concentration, so in addition to creating pretty pictures, your kids will also have a better chance to succeed as they grow into adults.

Be a Good Role Model

While your kids will likely respect your wishes when you tell them to do something like eating their vegetables, if you really want to get the best results, you must lead by example. That means that mom and dad must also eat healthy at breakfast, lunch, and dinner so the kids can see how important it is. Keep that in mind when it comes to snacking as well. Instead of sneaking in a cookie, the whole family can have healthy snacks, like a bowl of almonds, which are delicious and are high in protein.

It is also important for parents to keep the level of anxiety at a minimum within the house, especially if you work from home. When parents are stressed, their kids will feel that too and they shouldn’t deal with those feelings at such a young age. If you have an especially stressful or busy day at work, then make a plan ahead of time for your kids. Schedule activities like craft projects or a large puzzle so they can be entertained while you work. Also, make it a habit to end work at the same time every day so you can spend time with your family.


Kids should get plenty of activity during the day. They don’t necessarily need to have a regimented exercise routine of pre-determined moves, but they should have plenty of time to go outside, run around, play sports, and do other things they love all while getting fresh air.

As youngsters, exercise is especially important because, in addition to helping them to maintain a healthy weight, it also helps them to grow strong bones, proper muscles, and it can prevent many potential ailments that could affect them now and when they are adults, including diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Drink Plenty of Water

As adults, it is important that we drink water every day, and if you hope for your children to do the same when they grow up, then you need to get them in the habit of proper hydration now. As far as a general rule, here is how much water kids should drink per age:

  • Children 1-3 years old - 4 cups per day.
  • Children 4-8 years old - 5 cups per day.
  • Children 7-8 years old - 7-8 cups per day.

By drinking water, your children will be healthier overall because water is a part of every cell of our bodies. Without water, we can become dehydrated, which can impact our organs and lead to kidney damage, seizures, and swelling of the brain.

As you can see, it is very important that parents help their kids to prioritize self-care. Practice what you preach and you could live a healthier life as well. If you would like to know more about State Symbols USA, then check us out here.


Article provided by Anya Willis at