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New Mexico State Fossil

Coelophysis skeletons Casts of an adult and juvenile Coelophysis bauri mounted at the Denver museum of Nature and Science. Photo by Bradley Gordon / Flickr (use permitted with attribution).

Official State Fossil of New Mexico

New Mexico designated Coelophysis as the official state fossil in 1981. The first fossil remains of this dinosaur were found in New Mexico in 1881. All State Dinosaurs & Fossils

Coelophysis bauri (pronounced "see-low-FYS-iss") was a relatively small carnivorous dinosaur. Coelophysis grew to about 9 feet in length and was approximately three feet high at the hips; it is speculated that this dinosaur was warm-blooded and weighed about 50 pounds (Coelophysis means "hollow form" and refers to the hollow limb bones).

