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A Nuevo Mexico

New Mexico State Poem

Overlooking Georgia O'Keefe's Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico; photo by Dennis Larson on Flickr (non-commercial use permitted with attribution / share  alike).

A Nuevo Mexico

by Luis Tafoya

The poem A Nuevo Mexico by Luis Tafoya was designated as the official state poem of New Mexico in 1991. The poem and English translation follow:


Levanta, Nuevo Mexico,
esa abatida frente
que anubla los encantos
de tu serena faz,
y alborozado acoje
corona refulgente,
Simbolo de gloria y de ventura
y paz.

Despues de tantos anos de
lucha y de porfia,
tu suerte se ha cambiado
y ganas la victoria,
llegando a ver por fin
el venturoso dia
que es colmo de tu
dicha y fuente
de tu gloria.

Has sido un gran
imperio, colmado de riqueza,
y grandes contratiempos
tuviste que sufrir,
mas ahora triunfo pleno
alcanza tu entereza,
y el premio a tu constancia
pudiste conseguir.

Tu pueblo por tres
siglos aislado y solitario,
de nadie tuvo ayuda,
de nadie proteccion,

lucho por su
existencia osado y temerario,
sellando con su sangre
dominio y posesion.

Tras tan heroico esfuerzo
por fin has merecido
el bien que procurabas
con insistencia tanta
de que en la Union de Estados
fueses admitido
con la soberania que
al hombre libre encanta.

Obstaculos y estorbos del
todo desaparecen,
y entrada libre tienes
a la gloriosa Union, En
donde los ciudadanos prosperan
y florecen,
con tantas garantias
y tanta proteccion.

Por tan pasmosa dicha
el parabien te damos,
a ti como a tus hijos,
de honor tan senalado,
y que en tu nueva esfera
de veras esperamos
que a fuer de gran
imperio seras
un gran estado.

English Translation of State Poem

Lift, New Mexico,
your tired forehead
That clouds the enchantment
of your peaceful face,
And joyfully receive
the bright crown,
Symbol of glory, venture,
and peace.

After so many years of
fight and persistence
Your luck has changed
and you gain victory,
Reaching up to see your
fortunate day at last
That is an overflow of
happiness and the fountain
of your glory.

You have been a great
empire filled with riches,
And many mishaps you
had to suffer,
But now complete triumph
reach up to your integrity,
and reward for your constancy,
you were able to achieve.

Your people for three
centuries, isolated and lonely,
With help or protection
from nobody,
They fought for their
existence, reckless and daring,

Sealing with their blood
their dominion and possession.
After such heroic effort
finally you deserve
The goodness with such
an insistence you procure,
To be admitted in the state
of the union
With the sovereignty that
is a free man’s enchantment.

Obstacles and hindrance for
good they disappear,
And free admittance you have
to the glorious union,
Where the people prosper
and flourish
With so many guarantees
and great protection.

For that marvelous
satisfaction we welcome you,
You and your children
such a deserved honor,
And in your new sphere
we truly hope
That by dint of
imperiousness a great state
you will become.